Monday 28 November 2016

Online fashion blogs/websites

Topman fashion blog

Topman's fashion blog section to their website is a good example of what is currently circulating across the fashion market. Initially the user is brought to a website where each blog entry is presented in a grid format, the format is very evenly distributed, and aesthetically looks balanced and well presented.

After this the user is bought to the blog where it is made up of images of a certain look and style with words to accompany the look, how to wear it and so on... For me, the images look fantastic. The photography is well balanced and has a traditional style to it. What I like about the images used here is the montage style that is being used. I like how different textures and images help convey the mood and theme of the look and creates a good visual vibe for the outfit. 

The accompanying text is quite bland how it is presented. Arguably the text is the less important part of the blog post with it being mainly focused on the imagery. However if the text was displayed in a way that was less generic and plain it would encourage the user to acknowledge the text more than they are likely to.

River Island

For River Island's fashion blog section, they too have gone with a grid system to display their various entries. However, differentiating from Topman's the images aren't in a uniform size. This breaks consistency meaning that it may not perhaps be as visually pleasing to different audiences, however, what it does to is to help make certain posts stand out from the others. The ones that break the convention could perhaps be more likely to bait clicks from users. Ultimately, this could be used to promote bigger fashion stories or generally more exciting posts.

The format for the blogs are similar to topman, with it being mainly image driven for the user, with less exciting promotion of the text. I feel that the blog entries which don't have as visually exciting imagery could benefit from differentiation in typography, resulting in an overall more balanced article. Despite it not necessarily exciting, the change in type for the 'vs.' does stand out from the other text meaning it is possible to entice the audience's attention to the accompanying text through differentiation of typography.


Asos alike the other's have similar styling and approach to their blog posts. Again I feel like they are missing out on making their content as engaging as it could possibly be. I feel the text to be boring and not engaging which means that it has the potential to be ignored, voiding it's reason of being there to accompany the image. Again, different use of font, layout and composition could be used to help make the piece more engaging for the viewer.

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