Tuesday 29 November 2016

Digital Magazine's

Digital magazine's

Digital magazine's are essentially an digital version of a magazine. They offer users an alternate method of experiencing their publication other than a physical paper form version. These digital magazines can have their benefits. For example from an environmental perspective, there is no paper and raw materials being used in the creation of the product meaning the environment is benefiting from this version. Secondly, it can be more interactive, for instance in print you are limited to physical features, but on the digital version, sound and video can also be implemented to help build the finished article. Also, it can benefit the user to simply click on the section they want to go to instead of scrolling through the paper to find what they want. Also, it takes up less space, you can carry as many as your storage will allow with you which makes it easier to carry your favourite magazines anywhere with you.


I downloaded the vogue digital magazine to get first hand experience on how it looked visually, how it handled and what interactive features it had to make it differ from it's physical version.

The first screen you are brought to is the cover, which looks a lot like a typical print magazine cover, taking over it's physical conventions. However, where the different articles are, they are literal links that the user can tap and take them to immediately inside the magazine.

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Visually, it looks very nice when you go to an article, there's images that look as good as print followed by a title and insight to what it's all about. What disappoints slightly is that this styling is on each article, meaning that the personality and original design of each one is taken away for a more generic and commercial design which can be applied to each article.

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However despite this ultimately it does look nice and clean visually. The text is clear and the stand out quotes are visible via change in typography. Overall it was a good visual experience and one that benefits from a digital version.

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