Tuesday 22 November 2016

Initial look at independent fashion magazines


Image result for independent fashion magazines content

I liked the style of the indie magazine for many reasons. Firstly I liked how it broke general convention when it came to general rules of composition. For example on the left, the image isn't centre aligned in conjunction with the background behind it. I felt like this conveys the magazines style and it's personality if you would instantly through it's cover. That is to break tradition from the general format but to still be appealing ultimately. As well as this, I liked the imagery, I feel like it's trying to be controversial in order to shock certain viewers into reading it. As well as this, I like the limited use of text and buzz words to reel audiences in. The simple nature and the great imagery all make for a good brand identity for the magazine.

Image result for independent fashion magazines content


Image result for independent fashion magazines content

What appealed me to the style of this magazine was two main things, the use of typography and the backup imagery. Firstly, I think the use of typography is beautiful. The branding for the magazine differentiates from the norm of using a serif or a plain sans serif font in a large size at the top of the cover supported by the imagery for the main article. I like how it's dysfunctional and not aligned. I like how it doesn't flow and how the lines break up the letters, it works very well and is unique. As well as this the supporting text contrasts this, it's very subtle and uses a soft and approachable sans serif font to help balance the cover. Despite this however it doesn't follow a particular layout which helps keep it unique. The imagery also is lovely, it contrasts the text by being in black and white and isn't very heavy with a lot of white space. Overall the balance and originality of the magazine cover works really well at breaking conventions.

Image result for independent fashion magazines content

This cover also is very nice in the way that it is simple and easy to look at. It doesn't feature and complex or unique branding but keeps things easy and simple with a sans serif typeface which contrasts the other text with the use of colour. The imagery on the front is simple, despite being a famous and well known actor to draw readers in, it's very balanced and well composed taking up the whole cover.

Image result for independent fashion magazines content

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